Q: How many Reiki sessions do I need?

A: This will always depend on your personal situation and circumstances, and will differ from person to person. Like all modalities of healing, whether traditional medication or holistic/spiritual, a course of treatments is usually required. For issues such as insomnia or aches and pains, perhaps four sessions will suffice. For more serious illnesses, multiple sessions per week for a few months may be required.

Hawayo Takata, the woman responsible for bringing Reiki to the west and keeping it alive was diagnosed with a tumour in her tummy. She recovered fully after two months of daily treatments. I offer a special plan for people in similar situations, please see the question below.

For legal reasons I can not state that Reiki will heal you, however I would not be a Reiki practitioner if I did not believe in its power. Used as a complimentary therapy it can be beneficial, but I will always advise the client to seek medical advice from their GP also. If the client wishes to use Reiki on its own without any other medical treatment, the client does so at their own risk.

Q: I’m Christian and would like to receive a Reiki treatment, but I was told that it could be dangerous. Is this true?

A: Absolutely not. Many Christians view Reiki as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in energy form. The negative connotations associated with Reiki amongst most Christians comes from a lack of information about what Reiki really is. I invite you to read my blog post about Christianity and Reiki where you will find testimonials from Christian Reiki practitioners, some of whom are priests and nuns, and references from the Holy Bible that explain how practitioners of Reiki are following Jesus’ example.

Q: What sort of music do you play during your Reiki treatments?

A: I usually play either soft ‘spa’ type music or nature sounds. However, clients may request music or audio books of their choice. I tend not to play radio or pop music. I ask that requests be made at the time of booking so that I can prepare before the client arrives. Distant Reiki clients can play their own music in their own room.

Q: Do you treat children and animals?

A: Yes, I treat animals and children. If the child is under 16 years old, a parent or guardian must be present in the therapy room.