Reiki Shares

Where: Grove Neighbourhood Centre (find us)
When: Tuesdays, 12:45pm – 2:00pm (11:45am-2:00pm on extended days)
How much: £4 per practitioner (£10 for extended days)
Requirement: Reiki Level 1 or higher
RSVP: On Meetup

On Tuesday afternoons I host a small, intimate Reiki share at my therapy room. The Reiki shares are limited to just 5 people and are often booked up weeks in advance. Each participant gets 10 minutes on the treatment couch, and gets to give Reiki to four people for a total of 40 minutes. It’s a wonderful way of keeping your connection to Reiki active, especially when you don’t treat clients.

On the last Tuesday of the month, I hold an extended Reiki share, which lasts 2 hours and includes a Reiju (blessing), guided meditation, self-treatment and a discussion or chance to ask each other questions regarding Reiki and spirituality before the actual share.

After the share, we will usually walk to a nearby coffee shop to socialise. As the group is small, everyone gets to know each other, and regular attendees will inevitably meet as, even though the share is a small group, there is a nice rotation of participants.

“I’ve now attended a lovely reiki share with the very personable Angel twice, and am really grateful to have found her! Good bunch of practitioners attending, great little room and a lovely atmosphere. Angel is such a lovely person, taking time to support charity through her work too, that I can only imagine that she is a perfectly wonderful reiki practitioner in her own right too.”

Monika S (Reiki Practitioner)

“Angel is very welcoming and creates a lovely space for the Reiki share in a nice room with soft lighting and gentle music. Angel is very kind and compassionate and ensures everyone is comfortable. Angel guides the share, allowing equal time for each person to experience and share Reiki in turn. She also gave us each a bottle of Reiki charged water which was a lovely added touch. I left feeling highly invigorated and reenergised and was happy to have the opportunity to share Reiki too. I would definitely recommend Angel for her wonderful Reiki shares.”

Maria Spitieri (Reiki Master)

If you are a Reiki practitioner attuned to at least Reiki level 1, please take a look at my Meetup group where you can join and sign yourself up for our Reiki shares.