
My one-of-a-kind Refresher Workshops for Usui Reiki Levels 1, 2, Masters and Master Attunements are designed for existing practitioners who are no longer confident in giving Reiki or attunements, and would like a booster without having to retake their entire training.

Although once attuned you will always be able to use Reiki, some practitioners feel that they would like the chance to relearn everything again, as this will inspire them to get back into the swing of things.

Students of the Levels 1, 2 and Master Refresher workshops will receive two top-up attunements from me and receive a certificate of attunement. This means you are able to use my Reiki lineage. There will be a small manual for each level which you can take home and study.

All students MUST be able to provide a Reiki certificate for the level which corresponds to the Refresher Workshop they are signing up for. These workshops are NOT replacements for comprehensive Reiki courses.

All courses and workshops include a light plant-based lunch and/or refreshments. You are welcome to leave for lunch, however I respectfully ask you do not bring any meat or non-vegan food or beverage items into my therapy and training room. Thank you. đŸŒ±

Shoden Refresher (Level 1)

9am - 3pm
This workshop focuses on recapping the teachings you would have learned in your initial course. We will go over all of the basics and you will leave feeling more knowledgeable and confident than you did after your initial training. Ideal for anyone wanting to get back into Reiki, perhaps move on to the Okuden training, but feel as though they need to reground in the basics.

This workshop covers/includes:

  • The history of Reiki
  • The Reiki principles
  • How to connect to Reiki
  • Meditation and breathing exercises (Joshin Kokyo Ho)
  • Hand Positions
  • Chakras & tanden points
  • Self treatment
  • Giving Reiki to others
  • Two top-up attunements
  • Certificate of attunement
  • Mini handbook
  • Complimentary plant-based lunch and refreshments

Okuden Refresher (Level 2)

9am - 3pm
The Okuden refresher goes more in depth on some of the Reiki Level 1 (Shoden) training, and includes the Reiki symbols, distance healing, additional techniques and giving Reiki to others. This workshop was designed for those who are comfortable with the foundations of Reiki but need a refresher on the more indepth teachings.

This workshop covers/includes:

  • All 3 Reiki symbols
  • Body scanning / intuition (Byosen Reikan-Ho and Reiki-Ho)
  • Purifying the spirit (Hatsurei-Ho)
  • Distance Healing
  • How to prepare a client for treatment
  • Two top-up attunements
  • Certificate of attunement
  • Mini handbook
  • Complimentary plant-based lunch and refreshments

Shinpiden Refresher (Master)

9am - 3pm
The Masters workshop will exclude a lot of the content from the first two levels as I will assume anyone taking a Master Level Refresher Workshop will have adequate knowledge of the Reiki principles, giving Reiki, the chakras and tanden points, etc. This workshop will be most suited to masters who actively practice Reiki, but have forgotten much of the masters training and do not teach or give attunements.

This workshop covers/includes:

  • A very brief cover of the Reiki 1 & 2 levels
  • In depth history of Reiki and Mikao Usui
  • Basic anatomy & physiology for Reiki
  • All 4 Reiki symbols, including Master
  • Reiki shower technique
  • How to give an attunement
  • How to give a Reiju
  • Two top-up master attunements
  • Certificate of attunement
  • Mini handbook
  • Complimentary plant-based lunch and refreshments

Master Attunement Refresher

2.5 hour training
The Master Attunement Refresher Workshop is for Reiki Masters who have forgotten, or do not feel confident in giving attunements to students or Level 2 practitioners. This workshop does not include any training, other than how to give an attunement and Reiju. It is a 2 1/2 hour workshop starting with a guided meditation, followed by a recap of all four Reiki symbols, their meanings, how to use them and how to use their kotodamas in chanting. I will then give you a Reiju (blessing) then we will discuss how to prepare yourself and your student for an attunement, before practicing attuning in pairs.
You will have the opportunity to practicing giving (and receiving) all three levels of attunements and will leave the workshop feeling confident and able to give attunements without referring to your manual. We will also cover how to give a Reiju, and finish with enough time for me to answer any questions you may have.

This workshop covers/includes:

  • All 4 Reiki symbols
  • Learn to give attunements for all levels
  • Mini handbook
  • Complimentary plant-based refreshments